EDUCATION BACKROUND 12/2016-NOW Post-Doctoral Fellow, Nanjing Agricultural University, China
09/2012-08/2016 PhD candidate, Wageningen University, the Netherlands PhD project: Interactions between climate warming, vegetation change, root dynamics, and carbon cycling in Arctic tundra 09/2009-07/2012 Master of Science, Beijing Normal University, China Major in ecology. MSc thesis: Root plastic responses of two species to spatial and temporal nutrient heterogeneity in inter- and intra-specific competition 09/2005-06/2009 Bachelor of Science, Beijing Normal University, China Major in bioscience RESEARCH INTERESTS 1. Climate change effects on vegetation root dynamics on Tibetan Plateau 2. Root decomposition and the role of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) 3. Root nutrient resorption and its implication for ecosystem nutrient cycling 4.Shrub expansion on Tibetan Plateau and its consequences for ecosystem services REPRESENTATIVE PUBLICATIONS [1]. Peng Wang, Juul Limpens, Liesje Mommer, Jasper van Ruijven, Ake L Nauta, Frank Berendse, Gabriela Schaepman-Strub, Daan Blok, Trofim C Maximov, Monique MPD Heijmans, Above- and below-ground responses of four tundra plant functional types to deep soil heating and surface soil fertilization, Journal of Ecology, 2016, doi:10.1111/1365-2745.12718 [2]. Peng Wang, Monique MPD Heijmans, Liesje Mommer, Jasper van Ruijven, Trofim C Maximov, Frank Berendse, Belowground plant biomass allocation in tundra ecosystems and its relationship with temperature, Environmental Research Letters, 2016, 11 (5): 055003 [3]. Peng Wang, Liesje Mommer, Jasper van Ruijven, Frank Berendse, Trofim C Maximov, Monique MPD Heijmans, Seasonal changes and vertical distribution of root standing biomass of graminoids and shrubs at a Siberian tundra site, Plant and Soil, 2016, 407 (1): 55-65 [4]. 王鹏,牟溥,李云斌,植物根系养分捕获塑性与根竞争,植物生态学报,2012,36 (11):1184-1196 [5]. Wang P.*, van Ruijven J., Heijmans M.M.P.D., Berendse F., Maksimov A., Maximov T., Mommer L. (2017) Short-term root and leaf decomposition of two dominant plant species in a Siberian tundra. Pedobiologia, 65, 68-76. [6]. Wang P.*, Limpens J., Nauta A., van Huissteden C., van Rijssel S.Q., Mommer L., de Kroon H., Maximov T. C., Heijmans, M.M.P.D. (2017) Depth-based differentiation in nitrogen uptake between graminoids and shrubs in an Arctic tundra plant community. Journal of Vegetation Science, doi: 10.1111/jvs.12593. [7]. Wang P., Shu M., Mou P.*, Weiner J. Fine root responses to temporal nutrient heterogeneity and competition in seedlings of two tree species with different rooting strategies. Ecology and Evolution (accepted) |

EDUCATION BACKROUND 01/2016-NOW Post-Doctoral Fellow, Nanjing Agricultural University, China 09/2009-07/2015 PhD candidate, Nanjing Agricultural University, China 08/2012-01/2014 Joint PhD program, North Carolina State University, the United States 09/2005-06/2009 Bachelor of Science, Nanjing Agricultural University, China Major in agronomy RESEARCH INTERESTS 1. Climate change and ecosystem N cycling 2. Greenhouse gas emission REPRESENTATIVE PUBLICATIONS [1] Zhang Y, Jiang Y, Li Z, Zhu X, Wang X, Chen J, Hang X, Deng A, Zhang J, Zhang W (2015) Aboveground morphological traits do not predict rice variety effects on CH4 emissions. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 208, 86-93. [2] Zhang Y, Li Z, Feng J, Zhang X, Jiang Y, Chen J, Zhang M, Deng A, Zhang W (2014) Differences in CH4 and N2O emissions between rice nurseries in Chinese major rice cropping areas. Atmospheric Environment 96, 220-228. [3] Jiang Y, van Groenigen KJ, Huang S et al. (2017) Higher yields and lower methane emissions with new rice cultivars. Global Change Biology. [4] Jiang Y, Tian Y L, Sun Y, Zhang Y, Hang X, Deng A, Zhang J, Zhang W (2016) Effect of rice panicle size on paddy field CH4 emissions. Biology and Fertility of Soils 52, 389-399. [5] Jiang Y, Huang X, Zhang X, Zhang Y, Zheng C, Deng A, Zhang J, Wu L, Hu S, Zhang W (2016) Optimizing rice plant photosynthate allocation reduces N2O emissions from paddy fields. Scientific Reports 2016, 6. [6] Feng J, Chen C, Zhang Y, Song Z, Deng A, Zheng C, Zhang W (2013) Impacts of cropping practices on yield-scaled greenhouse gas emissions from rice fields in China: A meta-analysis. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 164, 220-228. [5] Jiang Y, Huang X, Zhang X, Zhang Y, Zheng C, Deng A, Zhang J, Wu L, Hu S, Zhang W (2016) Optimizing rice plant photosynthate allocation reduces N2O emissions from paddy fields. Scientific Reports 2016, 6. [6] Feng J, Chen C, Zhang Y, Song Z, Deng A, Zheng C, Zhang W (2013) Impacts of cropping practices on yield-scaled greenhouse gas emissions from rice fields in China: A meta-analysis. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 164, 220-228. |

EDUCATION BACKROUND 12/2016-NOW Post-Doctoral Fellow, Nanjing Agricultural University, China 09/2012-08/2016 PhD candidate, Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China 09/2009-07/2012 Master of Science, Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China 09/2006-06/2010 Bachelor of Science, Northwest A&F University, China RESEARCH INTERESTS 1. The stoichiometric coupling of plant nutrients in ecological interactions and processes. 2. The effects of global changes on nutrient cycling in grassland ecosystems. REPRESENTATIVE PUBLICATIONS [1]. Min Long, Honghui Wu, Melinda D. Smith, Kimberly J. La Pierre, Xiaotao Lü, Haiyang Zhang, Xingguo Han, Qiang Yu, Nitrogen deposition promotes phosphorus uptake of plants in a semi-arid temperate grassland, Plant and soil, 2016, 408 (1):475–484. [2]. Yunhai Zhang, Xu Han, Nianpeng He, Min Long, Jianhui Huang, Guangming Zhang, Qibing Wang, Xingguo Han, Increase in ammonia volatilization from soil in response to N deposition in Inner Mongolia grasslands, Atmospheric Environment, 2014, 84: 156-162. [3]. Haiyang Zhang, Honghui Wu, Qiang Yu, Zhengwen Wang, Cunzheng Wei, Min Long, Jens Kattge, Melinda Smith, Xingguo Han, Sampling date, leaf age and root size: implications for the study of plant C:N:P stoichiometry, PLoS ONE, 2013, 8 (4): e60360. |

EDUCATION BACKROUND 8/2017-NOW Post-Doctoral Fellow, Nanjing Agricultural University, China 09/2013-08/2017 PhD candidate, Ecology North Carolina State University, the United States 09/2010-07/2013 Master of Science, Ecology Zhejiang University, China 09/2006-06/2010 Bachelor of Science, Biological Science Xinxiang Medical University, China RESEARCH INTERESTS 1. Climate change, soil microbial ecology, plant-soil microbial interactions. 2. Ecosystem C sequestration and nutrient cycling, biodiversity and ecosystem functioning REPRESENTATIVE PUBLICATIONS [1]Wu K, Chen D, Tu C, Qiu Y et al (2017) CO2-induced alterations in plant nitrate utilization and root exudation stimulate N2O emissions. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 106, 9-17. [2]Xiao R*, Qiu Y*, Tao J, Zhang X, Reberg-Horton C, Shew HD, Hu S. Biotic interactions dominate terrestrial ammonia oxidizers. Internal review. To be submitted to ISME. [3]Qiu Y, Jiang Y, Burkey KO, Shew HD, Zobel RW, Hu S. 201x. Climate warming and ozone differentially influence soil N2O fluxes in a soybean agro-ecosystem. In internal review. To be submitted to Global Change Biology. [4]Claver S, Jia X, Qiu Y, Wang G. Self-thinning in a space-limited rocky intertidal barnacle system. Annales Zoologici Fennici. 2012, 50, 64-70. [5]Wang N, Xu S, Jia X, Gao J, Zhang W, Qiu Y, Wang, G. Variations in foliar stable carbon isotopes among functional groups and along environmental gradients in China – a meta-analysis. Plant Biology. 2012, 15, 144-151. |