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土壤与生态学系学术报告-蒋林教授,Georgia Institute of Technology

2018年06月27日 19:31  点击:[]


时间:9:00-11:00 am


联系人:赵叶新 15895981287

报告题目:Biodiversity and stability: is there a general positive relationship?

报告人:蒋林教授Georgia Institute of Technology


蒋林教授,博士,现任佐治亚理工学院(Georgia Institute of Technology) 生物学系终身教授。2003年获罗格斯大学生态与进化方向博士学位,2006年至今在美国佐治亚理工学院生物系从事群落生态学研究,主要研究方向为:群落生态学,重点关注群落的系统发育背景和进化历史对于物种间关系和群落结构格局的影响,探索自然群落的结构和构建机制,同时关注生物多样性与生态系统功能(BEF)、利用微生物群落研究自然群落构建理论,探索集合种群及其他干扰因素对于群落构建历史的影响。蒋教授近十年在PNAS, Nature Communications, Ecology Letters, Ecology, Journal of Ecology, Global Change Biology, New Phytologist等国际主流刊物发表SCI论文60余篇,现为Nature Ecology and Evolution,PNAS, Ecology Letters等期刊审稿人。


1.         Li SP, et al., Jiang L. 2016. Convergence and divergence in a long-term old-field succession: the importance of spatial scale and species abundance. Ecology Letters19: 1101-1109.

2.         Xu Z, et al., Jiang L. 2015 Environmental changes drive the temporal stability of semi-arid natural grasslands through altering species asynchrony. Journal of Ecology 103: 1308-1316.

3.         Ferrenberg, S., et al., Jiang L. 2013. Changes in assembly processes in soil microbial communities following a wildfire disturbance. The ISME Journal 7: 1102-1011.

4.         Violle C, et al., Jiang L. 2012. The return of the variance: intraspecific variability in community ecology. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 27: 244-252.

5.         Violle C, et al., Jiang L. Phylogenetic limiting similarity and competitive exclusion.[J].Ecology Letters, 2011, 14(8):782-787.





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